This week, John Marshal shared a blog post called "Finding Hope"; One Boy's story on his website. Inspired by it and the thought that a person's story can be a powerful thing, We want to share the story of the newest member of our family, Raju.

Raju joined us one week ago. He is significantly Older than Most children that we take in, but as luck would have it, Raju has shared with us much of what his life was like before he was here on the mission. He's agreed to let us share some of that with you.

Watching the world go by

"I don't know where i am from, I don't know my Mom or Dad", Raju stated one evening after dinner. "I remember them leaving me but not what they look like." RAju's parents were pilgrims who had visited a Hindu holy site. It was during this time that for-whatever-reason, they chose to leavfe their 5 year old to fend for himself.

The Boom river was a favorite spot of Raju's

Life was about as difficult as you can imagine it would be for a 5 year old Out in the world by himself. Living off the generosity of the gurus and pilgrims. Raju scrounged for food, clothing, and shelter. "Sometimes i had to steal, I just had to, "he recalled when he was asked what he would normally eat. 

The temple around which Raju's life revolved

As time went on, Raju got to know the local people. At just 6 years old he started cleaning dishes in a small side-of-the-road shack restaurant. Before long he was putting his hand to whatever work was available: Sweeping roads, Cleaning Cars, Preparing 'prasad' (An offering sold to visiting pilgrims.) It was a hard life.

The red ribbons are part of the Prasad offering of Pilgrims.
Many of these would have been made by raju's hands..

As Raju walked with our kids to the jungle on Thursday, he recalled to them how one time an elephant herd had surrounded him in the jungle. "I had to climb a tree and hide for hours!" he exclaimed with vivid gestures. "They were really angry. I don't know why."

Life was not all work and adventure for Raju. He openly shared of the terrible physical abuse he suffered at the hands of complete strangers; people who just saw him as a street rat. He was beaten, Kicked, Spat on by drunks from the neighboring villages. Some days he would sleep in the rain, some days he would take shelter in the back of an old car.

It's difficult to imagine the hardships
It's difficult to imagine the hardships

One day, While visiting a local river, Raju met a woman named Najma. Najma, Upon hearing from Raju about his life, took pitty on him. She brought him into her home and cared for him, Mothered him, Loved him. She tried desperately to get him admitted into a school but was continually told that he was too old to start. Too old to learn his ABCs...

Raju, Najma and Najma's Son

Wanting a better life for him, Najma approached the Sub-District Magistrates court for help. She herself was poor but just could not bare the thought of Raju growing up on the street. Touched by her love & commitment, the SDM told her of Our Organization. A chance for him to have a family to love him, educate him and give him hope.

Raju's new housemates; The small boys.

There is always room in our family for one more; we consider ourselves blessed to have Raju join us. He is a powerful soul. A fighter in every good sense of the world. Despite of the Woexperiencing more hearthache in his young life than most of us will experience in a lifetime, he is filled with love, Joy and Passion.

First day of school

We cannot wait to watch Raju grow. He has already started in our school and is doing great. In less than a week he has learned his English alphabet and so much more other stuff. We know he is going to excel.

Raju in class learning his alphabet

Raju is no longer alone, no longer wandering the world searching for his next meal or the next place to lay his head. He is not in danger. He can be a child, for once. Safe and part of a family that will see each new day with him as a gift. That is a promise.

Swimming in the river on a hot afternoon

What's more, Raju's life can even begin to inspire others. Where once he was lost, ignored and forgotten by the world, now he is truly found, a living testament to the healing power that is possible when we reaches out in love to welcome those in need around us.

We hope you'll join us this week as we raise a prayer of thanks and welcome to the newest member of our family: Raju. And for as long as we are needed, may many more lost children find their way to our front gate.

Beyond The Orphanage is a member of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) and a signatory to the ACFID Code of Conduct, which defines minimum standards of governance, management and accountability of development in non-government organisations (NGOs).
Beyond The Orphanage Foundation | Level 10, 179 Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia | ABN 36 253 254 414 Beyond The Orphanage Foundation Inc | 1516 LaRochelle Lane, Charlotte, NC 28226-6868, USA | 501(c)(3) registered


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